Tracing the Eras of African Cinema (One Perspective)

Tracing the Eras of African Cinema (One Perspective): Painting with broad strokes to start, breaking down African cinema into distinct periods, we can begin to better understand its role in mirroring and shaping the continent’s cultural landscape.

It’s more accurate to view these eras as broad trends rather than strict categories, each building upon and reinterpreting what came before, rather than completely replacing it.

  1. Post-Colonial Awakening (1960s-1970s):

A declaration: “We are here, we have our own stories to tell, and we will tell them our way.”

  • Style and Structure: Predominantly realist with a focus on stories that depicted the immediate social and political challenges following independence.
  • Themes: Nation-building, anti-colonial struggle, identity, and social unity.
  1. Auteur Era (1980s-1990s):

The initial euphoria of independence gave way to the complex realities of self-governance.

  • Style and Structure: A turn to more personal storytelling, with filmmakers using increasingly complex styles.
  • Themes: Personal and political freedom, cultural introspection, clash between tradition and change.
  1. New African Wave (2000s-2010s):

The new millennium brought with it an acceleration of globalization and tech advancement. African cinema once again adapted, unevenly.

  • Style and Structure: Diversification into various genres, integrating new techniques and tech.
  • Themes: Globalization effects, diaspora experiences, gender issues, urbanization.
  1. Digital and Diaspora Era (2010s-Present):

Increasing focus on the complexity of African identities in a globalized world, against the rise of streaming platforms.

  • Style and Structure: Increased use of digital tech, allowing for more experimental and visually dynamic films. Also, a significant rise in cross-continental productions.
  • Themes: Migration, identity in a global context, social injustices, and economic disparities.

[Akoroko premium subscribers received a deeper consideration of these eras last month. Link in bio]