The Shared Struggles of Black Filmmakers Worldwide: Finding Common Ground as a Way Forward

The Shared Struggles of Black Filmmakers Worldwide: Finding Common Ground as a Way Forward: Many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities I discuss within the African film and television context are applicable in other environments where Black people exist.

One might assume that across Africa, where Black people hold political power and make up the majority of the population, Black filmmakers would face fewer hurdles. However, the reality is far more complex.

Whether in Africa, where Black people form the majority, or in the diaspora across Europe, and North and South America, where they are a minority in numbers, filmmakers contend with strikingly identical obstacles in their creative pursuits.

This universal struggle, transcending geographical boundaries, speaks to a shared narrative in the context of “Black cinema” that raises questions about the nature of global film industry structures and the lingering effects of historical power dynamics.

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