“Kill Boksoon,” directed by Byun Sung-hyun, is a captivating entry in the action-thriller genre. The film stars the renowned Jeon Do-Yeon, playing the complex character of Gil Boksoon, a top-tier assassin and a single mother to her teenage daughter, Jae-young, portrayed by Kim Si-A. Set against the backdrop of Seoul, the film delves into the […]
Author: Tambay A. Obenson
Berlinale 2023 Briefs: ALL THE COLOURS OF THE WORLD ARE BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE, Love and Self-Discovery in Nigeria
“All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White” is a poignant coming-of-age film set against the backdrop of a Nigeria that is itself grappling with its own coming of age. The film tenderly explores themes often considered taboo in Nigerian society, providing a narrative that is both thought-provoking and deeply resonant. Central […]
KONGI’S HARVEST: How Ossie Davis Met Francis Oladele — the Father of Nigerian Cinema — and Translated the “Pure Africanity” of Wole Soyinka’s Play into American Cinematic Terms
Watch a 2002 interview with Davis, during which he talked about working with pioneer Francis Oladele on the film.
Djibril Diop Mambéty at 78 and TOUKI BOUKI at 50
Happy birthday Djibril Diop Mambéty whose feature debut, TOUKI BOUKI, celebrates its milestone 50th anniversary this year.
Sundance 2023: Feature and Short Films by African and African Diaspora Filmmakers
Might any follow in the footsteps of 2022 Sundance U.S. Grand Jury Prize winner, “Nanny”?
African Feature Films 2022 — a List
African feature films that premiered somewhere in the world (festivals, theatrical, or streaming releases), in 2022
Oscars: Africa’s Submissions for the 95th Ceremony’s Best International Film Competition
Tracking the continent’s entries for 95th Academy Awards consideration.